Laxmi & Basanti


Laxmi and Basanti are 15 years-old and 14 years-old respectively. They live with their parents in Nagnech Nagar village, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan.

Laxmi and Basanti start their day at 5:00 am. They walk several kilometers to collect water for their family. After retrieving water, they help to feed their goats and cows.

Laxmi and Basanti both enjoy studying and are keen to attend school if they had the opportunity.

Because of the generous support of donors The Hamlin School and the Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation; Lakshmi and Puja will soon have the opportunity they seek!

Their family will have a rainwater harvesting tank by January 2018 which will provide their family with clean water for 9 months. Afterwards, the tank can be filled from a pond. In addition, Laxmi and Basanti will receive a bicycle, school supplies and tuition. Their family will also receive training to plant vegetables using the khadin method. This will provide Laxmi and Basanti with more nutritious food and addition income.

Laxmi and Basanti are very excited to have the opportunity to attend school full-time!

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