Pushpa & Hastu


Hastu is 8 years old and lives with her sister Pushpa who is 5 years-old and parents in Khushlawa village, Rajasthan, India.
Hastu loves to study and wants to be a doctor.

Pushpa and Hastu’s mother wakes up at 5:00 am to collect water and then works in millet fields all day. They live in a kuchha house.

When they become older, Pushpa and Hastu will be required to take over the responsibility from their mother for collecting water for their family.

Thanks to the generous support of donors Hari Aggarwal and Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation Hastu and Deepika will be able to complete their schooling and pursue college rather than walking long distances to collect water.

Their family will soon have a rainwater harvesting tank. When the construction of the tank is completed, the family will have clean water for 9 months of the year and will be able to refill their tank from a local pond. Pushpa and Hastu will each receive a bicycle, school supplies and tuition. This will enable the sisters to focus their energies on their education. In addition, their family will receive training to plant a garden using the khadin method, which uses rainwater for agriculture. The khadin will provide Pushpa and Hastu with nutritious food and income.

Pushpa and Hastu will now be able to pursue their dreams!

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