Seema & Leela


Seema is 12 years-old and her sister Leela is 6 years-old.

They live with their parents in Kushlawa village of Jodhpur district in Rajasthan, India.
Seema starts her day at 5:00 am and then walks a long distance to collect water from the local pond. During the summer, Seema has to face hot desert winds and acute heat. The temperature in 2016 hit 51’celsius which set a new record.

Despite her chores; Seema loves to study. She goes to school for a couple of hours after completing her chores and often studies at home each evening.

Seema would like to become a Hindi teacher when she is older and work in her village.

Thanks to the support of Michael & Cheryl McFaul and Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation Seema and Leela’s lives are about to change for the better! Their family will soon have their own rainwater harvesting tank. When the tank is completed in January 2018, their family will have clean water for 9 months. As result, Seema will be able to dedicate her full attention towards her studies. She will also receive a bicycle, school supplies and tuition for attending school. Her family will receive training to plant a garden using the khadin method. This will provide their family with nutritious food and additional income.

Now Seema will be able to pursue her dream of becoming a Hindi teacher and work in her village.

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