Surja & Pushpa


Surja and Pushpa live with her mother and five siblings, two of which are handicapped. Because her mother stays at home to take care of her children, Surja and Pushpa support their family by walking several hours each day to collect water.

However, this process hinders her ability to spend time in school.

Thanks to the generous support of donors Rakesh & Sonia Arora and Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation Sukhiya’s fortunes are looking brighter.

A rainwater harvesting tank with biosand filter is under construction at Surja and Pushpa’s home. Once completed, Surja and Pushpa will be able to dedicate her full attention towards her education. Surja and Pushpa will also receive a bicycle, school supplies and tuition for school. Their family will also receive training to setup a garden using the khadin method.

Surja and Pushpa love studying and will now be able to follow their dream of completing school and then pursue college.

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